So.. my very wonderful boyfriend Adam and my very wonderful (I'm a liar) self have been *drumrolllllll* working out. I know. Me. Working out. I know. I laughed too. I know. I said "Good for me, it'll never last." But we are 3 weeks in and have no plans to stop. Adam has been so cute.
Cute #1:
He attends Master's which happens to have a gym that students can go to. Because he is the chaplain and because he is pretty much amazing all over the school he is able to get me in to the gym.
Cute #2:
Adam spent his time reading through countless articles on what would be the best workout for me to boost my metabolism and shed some pounds.
Cute #3:
He has stayed by my side teaching me and helping me and counting the reps with me as we've used the machines.
Cute #4:
He lets me fill up our cup with diet soda or iced tea when we go out to grab food.
Cute #5:
He's BUFF!! That guy can lift so much weight! And I'm really helpful to him. I've taken up counting for him and it goes like this: "One. Twizzle. Thrizzle. Frizzle. Fizzle. Sizzle. Sezzle. Eizzle. Nizzle. Tizzle."
So it's been good. I'd been mentioning to him that my jeans weren't fitting anymore and that the armholes (sleeves? :)) on all my shirts were squeezing my arm fat. So he has been really encouraging and motivating to my flesh.
NOW..The Disciplines (???) - This is where Trader Joes comes in:
At this point in time I haven't completely given up Dr Pepper. It's my favorite and I hate to say goodbye to such a dear friend. SOOOO in an effort of moderation I am allowing myself a day of rest. On Sunday, I can drink Dr Pepper. As much as I want. Sunday is limited though because I have church all morning and all night. That gives me a Dr P at lunch and a Dr P after night church.
I've also stopped bringing PBnJ to work everyday. Instead I've started making a weekly trek to Trader Joes. They have some great salads there. My favorite would of course be the Caesar, but I won't allow myself the pleasure. That one is 450 calories.
My next favorite though *drumrolllllllllllllll* is the Reduced Fat Greek Salad.
(look I found a measly pic of it online) It is so good! Gives me onion breath but for a filling lunch of 130 calories I will take onion breath. I've also started buying their presliced red apples. I throw 2 major handfuls into a ziploc baggie and they are my midmorning snack and they really hit the spot.
After 3 weeks of exercising, eating more healthy, and drinking only about 6 Dr Peppers. I have lost *drumrollllllllllllll*
2 pounds.
(Doesn't being a girl stink? Adam is working out so he can get even more buff and eating enough for 3 grown men. I'm exercising to lose weight and am eating enough for a 4 year old (unless you are ElliSue Richard who is a 3 year old that eats enough for 3 grown men).)
What I've Learned?:
1)Nizzle and Tizzle sound a little bit bad.
2)Diet Pepsi is way better than Diet Coke.
3)What struvite is. Thank you Trader Joe's.
i AM three grown men.
ReplyDelete(and diet pepsi isn't that bad! you're right!)
you're so cute - I love working out with you... I don't know what kind of guy would pass up the oportunity to merge grueling physical labor with hanging with his girl.
(actually, I do know what kind of guy would do that. a 'weak sauce'.)