Tuesday, August 18, 2009

posting less

so really i'm posting less for 2 reasons.

1. work is insanely busy. like crazy. i worked a lot of overtime last week and its not looking like it's gonna let up until mid-september.

2. i want to get my URL changed. i don't want to post as erin hann, i used to just ignore it, but now i don't want to draw any attention to that.. that chapter is closed.

Suzi was kind and sent me a link that would switch things over.. For lack of a better option I might just run with that.. I'll just lose my feeds off of other blogs and such..
We also discussed the whole 'Turn your blog into a book.' idea.. And then starting fresh..
Does anyone else have any other thoughts or ideas? Any helpful links?

or anything...


  1. you can keep the same blog/hosted/etc ... and just change your URL.

    Or you can start fresh ... either with blogger or wordpress or similar.

    Let me know if I can help.

  2. p.s. if you start fresh on a new site, you should be able to move all your archives over, but you would probably have to re-do your sidebar/bloglist/etc.

  3. Erin,

    2 Things:

    1. I agree with Amy's first comment. All you have to do is go to your blog admin page, and under the "Settings" tab click "Publishing" and then you can change the address to whatever you want.

    2. If for some reason you're still posting as "Erin Hann", you can just create a new user and use that user to write new blogs. Then you can just delete the user you don't want. No fuss.

    There's no need to switch or change away from your current template or from the Blogger service. Send me a message if you have any problems.


  4. welp, hey...

    when you future husband knows some HTML...

    that's all she wrote.

    (thanks for your suggestions guys - I didn't know you could just change your URL like that, shay. the shay cam comes through yet again.)
