Friday, July 4, 2008

The 4th day of the 7th month of the year 2008

Chelle and I decided to head out and watch fireworks. We got in the car and drove away but the road ended up being closed so I was like, "well I guess we will just watch them from Target's parking lot, IIIFFFF we can find a spot to park." We pulled in, quickly found a parking spot, walked to the cart rail thingy in the middle of the parking lot (that was filled with people hanging out) and waited oooh about 4 minutes when we saw a tiny fireworks show a ways away. Bear in mind that just about every year I am sorely disappointed by the fireworks I see out here. Meanwhile a giant firework exploded over our heads -- the mall was getting warmed up. Oh baby. At 9:30 the fireworks started and they were huge and loud and right ahead of/above us. It was PER-FECT!! They lasted 20 minutes and car alarms consistenly went off. That's when you know it's good. Some car in the parking lot was blasting patriotic music. So we were surrounded by booming fireworks, car alarms, and a car radio playing American tunes. It was great. I personally feel that no 4th of July is complete without one hearing the song Proud to be an American (which as the finale was going off was playing on that car radio.) It was spontaneous just like our trip to Ventura and the whole day turned out just right. Many thanks go out to Michelle and to her parents for flying her out.

Now we need to go work on our 1000 piece puzzle. You may not hear from us for a while. =)


  1. A few other fireworks' tunes include "The 1812 Overture" and "Stars and Stripes Forver," to add to your list. Our town's fireworks are tomorrow night. Jello can tell you what that is like here at our place. Last year we had over 90 here at our house!

  2. Maybe Erin's mom and Jello's dad can tell you how we used to sometimes be stuck watching fireworks on television when we were growing up. Fireworks didn't seem to come to small towns then. We watched them on a small black and white television, o-o-o-hing and ah-h-h-ing at the brightness of the whites and the various hues of grays!
