Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why Wednesday's are Delightful

Wednesday's are delightful for 4 reasons:

1) It is ad day in the mail. So I receive all the ads from the grocery stores as well as the PennySaver. I get to look at all the fresh produce and deals. And dream of my own home.

2) Wednesday is date night with my grandparent's. I've been doing this for maybe a year now. It's great! I get off work and head over to their place. It gives us time to talk and catch up. It gives them something to look forward to. Recently Grandma has been trying out new recipes which has been a lot of fun. We always have a good time. We eat and we watch King of Queens and Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. This is the one thing in my schedule that has not changed. One thing I don't want to let go. I love this time with them. We have great conversation. And it gives me a time to relax a bit.

And 3) This particular Wednesday is delightful because I get to spend it with Susan. We are getting lunch at In-n-Out!

And 4) because it rained.

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