Friday, October 23, 2009

The Driving Chronicles 3

Today I was on my lunch break and as I was headed back to work I pulled up to a 4 way stop. It's one of those ones that's gearing up to have traffic lights, the traffic lights are there just not working so for now 'tis just a stop sign. So as I approached, there was an Andy Gump truck at the stop sign/traffic light. I slowed as I got toward the stop sign and he still didn't go through even though he was the only one there. I pulled up to the stop sign. Looked at him. Came to a full and complete stop. Looked at him. Paused. Looked at him. It was his turn. It had BEEN his turn. He stayed put. I assume he was waiting for the light to turn green and hadn't registered that it wasn't even red.

Also in my lunchtime drive. I was behind a 7-Up big rig. We got to a stop light. I got in the left turn lane he stayed in the straight lane except he stopped WAY WAY behind all other cars, gave a short honk on his horn, and stayed put even as the light turned green. I made my left turn and was able to view him for several seconds just hanging out in the road. He seemed fine. I wonder what he was doing.


  1. There are too many weird drivers out there.

    Just wanted to let you know I have a giveaway on my site.

  2. You need to experience the four-way stops at two-lane/six lane roads in the city of Juarez, Mexico! We learned the easiest way to drive those safely was to let the Mexican drivers throw interference for us.
