Normally I turn behind Target and take the backroad in, but for some reason I went to Magic Mountain Parkway and turned at the light there to go to Target. As Adam and I waited to turn we were talking through the session and I noticed a police car behind me. No lights it was just simply behind me. No biggie. I said to Adam, "There's a cop behind us." The light turned green and we made the turn and then made the turn into Target's parking lot. I made sure to use my blinker. =) As I got in the turn lane though to turn into Target I said to Adam, "The cop is still behind us."
When I said that all the sudden the cop car lights flashed and the siren 'Whooped.' I was like, "Am I being pulled over?" and Adam said, "Yes, just pull up here." I pulled into a spot and put my car in park. Then a second cop car came! I rolled down my window. As the officer approached I peeked my head out the window. He asked me to turn off my car. I did. He asked me for my license and registration. I handed him my license and proof of insurance. Oops. I said the registration was in 'here' as I pointed at my glove box and opened it. I pulled out the registration and handed it to him. The cop said, "Did someone peel off your registration sticker?" I looked at him and said, "Oooh" and as I said that I turned to Adam and said, "Maybe they did?!" and I turned back to the cop and said (referencing Adam), "He lives by the DMV and we saw a sticker on the ground but it was in FRONT of my car so we didn't check to see if it was mine." The cop told us he'd be right back.
I said to Adam, "Even if I get a ticket, I will totally know this is from the Lord, because I HAD a registration sticker. So if I get a ticket for not having one then this is just something the Lord wants us to deal with somehow." Adam said, "I know you had a sticker, you fell down and got bruises last year. And when you got one and you had to miss work to get it."
(Total side story there. From a Feb blog post.)
February 13, 2009
Every Wednesday night I go to 'Date Night at Grandma and Grandpa's." I was sitting at the dinner table. And I got to thinkin'. I haven't gotten anything from the DMV for registration renewal... So I casually mentioned it while we ate. And then in my head I said "I haven't received a stinking thing and I am 99% sure my tags expire in Nov." That was it I had to go check. So I ran down the stairs and jogged over to my car. Sure enough. EXPIRED! -AYYYE WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY LIFE?- I turned to jog back inside and back up to the dinner table. I made it about 3 steps, my shoe slipped off my foot and I tripped.. and then.. I fell down. It wasn't a pretty fall. I fell ALL THE WAY DOWN. Flat like a pancake. Not to my hands and knees. Straight down. Belly to the ground. I popped back up. Man my hands stung. My hip. I went back inside. Grandma put bandaids on my hands. =) What a good Grandma!
So we waited. The cop came back and handed me everything and said, "Ok. Everything checks out. Make sure you contact the DMV to get a new sticker."
We parked at Target. Got out. Looked at my sticker. Here is the killer..
THE STICKER WAS THERE!! NOV 2009. Not expired. Not missing.
I have no idea what that was all about other than God. I was like, "Adam, this didn't 'just happen.'" I've been trying to really think it through. What am I supposed to pull away from that?
I think, what Adam and I have come up with so far, is something so simple. I think it was God just showing me, and showing Adam, that I need Adam. Adam is needed. Adam and I have been talking about my independence lately. It needs to bite the dust because I'm walking down the aisle very soon. I was able to be so calm and safe going through that scare with Adam and it was just so great not to have to experience that alone.
By the way, this was the first time I've EVER been pulled over.
that's hilarious. and amazing! i'm so happy for you guys!
ReplyDelete-james engram
First of all thanks for sharing your hearts with us! It was a packed meeting for sure! The Lord is so walking before you both! We love you guys!
ReplyDeleteSecondly, so sorry about getting pulled over! I hope you got my message about my mistake in reading your texts. I simply went to the last one first and said,"oh how exciting." dorky me, now I have the full story lol!
Hmm, this is a bit scary! you know, the first thing that pops to my mind is "Rodney King" I'm sitting here at my lap top and feeling really nervous about how this would all turn out. I thank "God" that you two were able to go about your biz. The longer you are with Adam the more you will experience life in a different "color"! But the Lord can also use this to "his" glory. Keep a cool head.