Last year, I was in a completely different state emotionally then I am now. Last year at this time, my divorce was just filed for. I had just moved back home permanently, I had just been getting re-involved at Placerita Baptist Church. I had just started attending the ladies Bible study, I had just started being discipled by Marie. There were a lot of changes. Lots to work through. It was nothing. Nothing compared to what Christ endured in His time on Earth and the cross that He died on.
I've been thinking back to last year and remembering how poignant Easter was to me. At Easter time words like "sorrow" and "suffering;" "hurt" and "pain" are mentioned often. Words that were near to my heart and soul. In Bible study (the book of John) last spring, right at Easter time we got to the passage on the final supper, the garden, the trial, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. It was seriously, perfect.
I reflected a lot on the Savior, Jesus Christ and His suffering. I reflected on the separation He endured from His Father when He was on the cross. I reflected on the torture His body went through. And for the first time that I really recall. I cried. It hurt so deeply inside to know that He did all that for me. For this sin loving, world that really doesn't care what that meant. I reflected on what it meant to me, to lose my best friend and my love, and realized multiply that by like, a billion and I'm still not even close to what Christ went through. For the first time in my life, the cross was really really real.
Now this year, I look back and I think on all that was attached to what I learned and reflected on last year and I am thankful. This year I give thanks. I reflect still on the wonder of the cross, and the wonderfulness of the cross, and the fullness of the cross. And I still cry. I think I always will now. I hope I always will. And I am thankful for what Christ endured. I am thankful that He took it all on His heart and His brain and His body. I encourage you all to think about these things often. It will put you quickly in a place of humility.
Whatever is happening in your life, just view yourself in light of the cross. Your hurt and suffering is nothing compared to what Christ's was. You are a sinner who can or is saved by Jesus Christ because He loved you and therefore, you have HOPE to look to for the rest of your life. And when you realized how much Christ endured and sacrificed, look to that to be your example in how much you love others in this life. That is truth.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Amazing love!