Erin Augustson Is tired of Christians making fun of Michael Jackson's death all over Facebook.
Joanne Bump, Liz Kenney and Amanda Anderson like this.
Wendy Young at 8:27am June 30
They are doing what? I haven't seen/heard anything. That's too bad, though... MJ was a lost soul (as is his family). They need our prayers, not our ridicule or anything else.
Adrienne Dennison at 8:28am June 30
I agree with Wendy.... haven't heard or seen anything. But I agree, have a little respect people!
Linda Larson Thompson at 9:07am June 30
Wow, I have only heard compassion and sadness... especially for his kids.
Alexandria 'Licorice' Millerick at 9:14am June 30
Ditto. It feels like all I'm hearing are jokes about MJ's death.
Erin Augustson at 9:17am June 30
I've seen plennnty of it. It's not just on basic facebook like status updates but its in feeds off of those that turn to michael and on walls and stuff. it's really sad.
Robert Hanson at 9:23am June 30
I do not agree with making fun of MJ, but we need to remember that he stood for everything that is against Christ. I understand that we are only saved by Gods grace, and that is the only reason I am not like MJ. I do not make fun of him but I do realize that he was a sinner. We as Christians should not down play that fact.
Eddie Intagliata at 9:42am June 30
Erin, I totally agree with you. The fact is we are ALL sinners, and that we as Christians were chosen by God to be saved--not by our own will. So we need to be careful when we talk about MJ being a sinner because we are just as guilty of sinning and not worthy of God grace.
Katie Abbott at 10:01am June 30
Oh my goodness, Erin, you are such a woman of God. I know this sounds super dramatic, but I kind of felt alone in my disgust over all the mocking. I can't really explain why, but it got me so discouraged the other day, seeing peoples' attitudes. Thank you for saying this. I actually posted a blog about it the other day and I think I might just put it on facebook.
Erin Augustson at 10:15am June 30
I think the biggest issue here is the gospel. If Michael is dead we don't need to be reminding each other that he is lost and that he is a sinner. His eternal life has taken over and that is it. There are billions of other sinners - famous and infamous - believing and unbelieving - who need to hear about Jesus. If we are too busy bashing a life that is already over how are we making any progress forward?We don't need to remind others of sin and leave the topic only ON the sin - like so many are doing, we need to seek to hand over The Way of escape from sin, or we need to give grace and restoration to those who already know the Lord. Far to often Christians come down too hard and overbearing or arrogantly condescending or plain ignorant when we are (for one thing-) told to owe love to each other (Romans).
Don Howard at 10:33am June 30
Very nice, Erin.
Liz Kenney at 11:41am June 30
Linda Larson Thompson at 11:43am June 30
Well said Erin. I could not agree more.
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