Monday, July 28, 2008


This is a webpage that lets you insert a text and then speed read it. The setting are adjustable. I'm sure I'll never use it, but to me it's a cool concept.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Taco Bell

I think this story is precious!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bored Thoughts

I am currently housesitting for a family from church. They have 2 dogs and a cat. The other day. I was in a different room of the house than one of the dogs. And I thought I heard a noise. So I went and found the dog. She was laying on one of the girls beds and had somehow pulled back the fitted sheet and ripped a hole in the mattress pad and was pulling the stuffing out. It was so random! She didn't chew a hole through the sheet and she didnt chew a hole in the mattress(phew!) but I was like...... what possessed you to do this?

I don't know how many know this.. I meant to blog about it a long time ago(but then my niece was born two weeks early and I felt lame posting pictures of a bass instead of her, ya know?). But I got hooked up with an awesome bass and amp and cord for a super great deal (courtesy of Ed at Cassells). I had taken a semester of bass in college and really liked it and always talked about starting it up again and now I am! I've been taking lessons from Todd Johnson and it has been really great! I'm enjoying it and he has been so encouraging!

I'm still really liking my job. I've been there 2.5 months now. The people there are so kind and so funny. It's been a great time. I've had many many spiritual conversations and have fallen in love with all of the operations guys. Probably not professional for me to say I love my co-workers but I do and I pray for them all the time. No word on permanence of the position yet.

Tomorrow night is an acoustic night at church. I'm really looking forward to it. Nate is bringing his upright bass, we will have an extra guitar and Mike is bringing his ukelele that has a hook up. Should be superfun. I've been in the Sunday Night Band for the past 5 or 6 years and it is one of my favorite parts of every week.

This morning at violin lessons. My first student was sitting in her chair getting her violin out of the case. There was a piece of paper on a boombox that is kept in the room and we could hear something rustling against the paper. So I looked over there and the paper was kind of moving. I was like ,"what in the world is that?" she was like "i have no idea." so I told her to back away a bit and i nudged the paper off the CD player and there was a giant cockraoach sitting there. Oh it was so gross. So we calmly walked out of the room and I went over to Ed and told him there was a giant cockroach in my room that I didn't want to take care of. So he did. Except he didn't get it... So I lived the lessons on the lookout for that gross bug.

What is it with giant gross insects/arachnids lately?

Also, I finally went to the Farmer's Market over in Newhall. Sarah DeWolfe and I went on Thursday and ate delicious tacos and fresh horchata. The produce looked amazing but was expensive so I passed on any purchases except for one thing. I bought some Tzatziki.. I can't say no to that stuff. I love it so much.

My friend Jonn gave me a CD to listen to. It's an oldie, but I had never bought it. It is praise from Oasis Church in downtown LA. Titled Bring It On, the cd is pretty amazing. Probably a bit wild for most of the folks who read this blog, but I turn it up and bump bump in my car everyday now. It gets stuck in the head like good music should. Makes me happy and makes me want to sing. And it praises Jesus!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wood Spider

There was a spider exactly like this one at work yesterday. HEEEYOOOGE (huge).

Friday, July 4, 2008

The 4th day of the 7th month of the year 2008

Chelle and I decided to head out and watch fireworks. We got in the car and drove away but the road ended up being closed so I was like, "well I guess we will just watch them from Target's parking lot, IIIFFFF we can find a spot to park." We pulled in, quickly found a parking spot, walked to the cart rail thingy in the middle of the parking lot (that was filled with people hanging out) and waited oooh about 4 minutes when we saw a tiny fireworks show a ways away. Bear in mind that just about every year I am sorely disappointed by the fireworks I see out here. Meanwhile a giant firework exploded over our heads -- the mall was getting warmed up. Oh baby. At 9:30 the fireworks started and they were huge and loud and right ahead of/above us. It was PER-FECT!! They lasted 20 minutes and car alarms consistenly went off. That's when you know it's good. Some car in the parking lot was blasting patriotic music. So we were surrounded by booming fireworks, car alarms, and a car radio playing American tunes. It was great. I personally feel that no 4th of July is complete without one hearing the song Proud to be an American (which as the finale was going off was playing on that car radio.) It was spontaneous just like our trip to Ventura and the whole day turned out just right. Many thanks go out to Michelle and to her parents for flying her out.

Now we need to go work on our 1000 piece puzzle. You may not hear from us for a while. =)

Our Thrift Day

Moses? Christmas pageant costume?

Are there any Sesame Street characters that are orange? Michelle pimped the collar, Oh SNAP!

Like the wilting flower in the middle? Reeeeeeeeeeeeally makes a statement.

Couple things: #1) Tapered at the knee. #2) Broad at the shoulders (showders if you are Michelle). Remind anyone of ... ANY (and by any I mean ALL) of the Ashley's? (As Michelle says, "You can only fit 2 in the backseat of a 3 seater backseat, not because of hips but because there is not enough showder room.").

It's slightly precious don't you think?

I think this hat is loud enough that it speaks for itself.

Me and Michelle

We had fun today and you can totally tell we are related. This morning I came downstairs and Michelle came out of her room and we were both in knee length bermuda shorts, flip flops, and tshirts with outlines of flowers on them.

We left at 10:30 to go get In n Out on our way to Ventura to visit the thrift shops. It ended up being packed with a street fair, a couple of live bands, tons of food options.. it was crazy crowded and super fun.

We made some good purchases in the shops, and wanted to leave you with our favorite photo from the day.