Yesterday, I spent the late afternoon and all evening and most of the night with Uncle Ted, Aunt Kristi, Courtney, Spencer and Lucas. It. was. so. much. fun.
I only planned on dropping by to pick up some things I left in Arizona that they brought home for me, but ended up staying for a long time.
We chatted a bit, and Lucas kept asking me if he could make me cocoa. He had gone to the store with Kristi and the Swiss Miss was on sale 10 for $10. So he had bunches of cocoa flavors (and as I came to find quite the pro at making a delightful drink). I initially said no to the cocoa, so Lucas switched to dealing out cards and passing them to everyone in the room. Again, I wasn't planning on staying so I declined. BUT it was not to be. It was clear that I had no choice but to play cards and while I was at it .. drink cocoa. And it became a matter of me staying longer when Ted brought out the Belgian chocolates and set them in front of me. We played Spades. And I lost. Big time. After Spades we played Nertz. Lots of Nertz until we stopped so we could eat dinner. Then we played a few more rounds of Nertz and stopped to watch The Office. After that we watched Scrubs and ER. Courtney and I challenged each other at Solitaire. I initially won, (ahem, yes I did) and Courtney didn't want to lose so we played until the TV shows were over and Courtney was ahead and I had to go home. Courtney won 30 to 23.
It was loads of fun being there. We had so much fun picking on each other and being sarcastic. I got my fill of puppy love. And speaking about dogs, I now remember what this post was originally supposed to be about....!
Weird things happen when I go to Ted and Kristi's. That should truly be the title of this blog. Here are 3 examples:
1. When we first got Afton we took her over to meet Ted. While we were there Afton proceeded to poop. Being the mother that I am and the proper houseguest that I am. I noticed this was happening and didn't want Ted and Kristi's carpet to get ruined. So, what did I do? That's right, I caught the poop in my hand.
2. When I walked in to Ted and Kristi's yesterday. I sat down on the couch and we chatted. Keep in mind, it was a cold and by then very nearly rainy January day. In the midst of our wonderful and delightful conversation I glanced down at my leg and what should be crawling up it? A bee.
3. When it was time to watch The Office last night Ted pulled a rocking chair over in front of the TV. Lorelai (Courtney, how do I spell the dog's name?), the very cute German Shepherd, whom I love, laid down behind the chair. During a commercial break, I happened to look over and notice that the dog was chewing on or licking something. Ted looked and Lorelai had nothing. BUT what she had done. Was lick a hole into the carpet. That's right. The dog licked a hole into the middle of the carpet.